The Modern Investor

Time for Open Enrollment? Three Benefits That Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Time for Open Enrollment? Three Benefits That Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Soon, many of us will receive a 20-page PDF from HR with a myriad of complex options to navigate in advance of the always stressful deadline. But before you just re-enroll in the same benefits from last year, grab that pumpkin spice latte while we review some of the most financially impactful benefits you may want to consider.

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Five Strategies for Maintaining Control of Your Career and Lifestyle
Financial Planning, Cash Management Kirby Demoss Financial Planning, Cash Management Kirby Demoss

Five Strategies for Maintaining Control of Your Career and Lifestyle

Several economic factors have created profitability headwinds for many employers. Inflation has waged war on profitability. Higher interest rates have increased corporate borrowing costs. These factors along with a workforce that is increasingly valuing work-life balance have the potential to make firms less profitable. In many cases this causes CEOs and CFOs to take a careful look at their most important and largest investment: their people.

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